Monday, December 20, 2010

Good Morning...

And a good morning it is.. what a nice view out of the window to take in as we sipped on our morning coffee today.

Five days till Xmas... wooooooohoooooooo

Life is Good!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Mom's 90th Birthday

December 16th is Mom's birthday and this year she turns 90 which is quite a milestone. The family got together for a dinner at the Senior's home in Lundar on the 11th. A good opportunity for a family meal. We had also invited people to drop in for a coffee and say hi to the "boss". We had a great turn out - about 70 people in all. It was so nice to see a lot of my cousins and old friends who dropped be to celebrate Mom's big day.

Life is Good!

Pics from the road

Winter driving brings on a whole set of new scenes and this las trip just added to mamma nature's delights.

I just had to stop a few times to take in the scenery north of Duluth driving out on a sunny day a few days after a major snow dump. The trees were drooping from the weight of the snow piled on them - lotsa the white stuff already and only mid december.

This photo was taken of a weather system like no other that I have driven in and I must say, this boy has a lot of miles on him! I was driving from Lundar to Winnipeg and noticed that the road ahead was exactly in line with a system of clouds to the west and sunny skies to the east. It was so strange to look out the passenger side of the truck and have limited visibility and out the driver side to see for miles. A bit further south I took a large curve in the road (around the town of Warren) and was driving in a snow storm for while until I completely rounded the curve and got back into the sun.

Finally, between Portage la Prairie and Winnipeg on a cold day I noticed the sun framed by a couple of large sun dogs.... took a few photos and a bit later saw a big old tree that seemed to add to the starkness of the scene..

Life is Good!