Saturday, May 21, 2011

Out West...

Last sunday, Jesse and I headed out of Edmonton for Courtenay to visit Jill and Wayne and the kids.

The week has blown by and we are off again tomorrow. Jesse flies back to Edmonton and I'm headed for Vancouver for a very important meeting... VERY important .. it will probably dictate the next few months workwise and EZ Street Canada company wise. Exciting times as it looks like we will have a very busy summer and depending on input from our partners, it could be very lucrative as well. Enough said!!!

We have done a lot here the past week. I have totally enjoyed the time spent with my kids and my beautiful little grand daughters. We've played 3 rounds of golf, eaten some fine BBQ dining, and as you can see by the photos, have spent some quality time touring Denman Island on one of the lovely sunny days we have had.

Life is just .. Nice!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Great new view from my Deck!

Well, I've been getting a bit of static about my lack of posts onto this blog. I guess that's just a natural progression from living a very quiet ... and well behaved.. lifestyle.

But today I have good news. My view from my deck reflects my "FOR SALE" sign with a new addition to it... "SOLD"...

The deal closed today and the new owner takes possession June 1.. so I have some time for my yard sale and to clean out some things I don't use. Time to get ruthless!

My little friend will miss me. He almost eats out of my hand.

Life is Good!