Friday, November 25, 2011

out the bedroom window..

8am Friday morning... 'nuff said.

Life is Good!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

An unhappy Minnesota Vikings fan...

I was going to dedicate this post to Tom.. again... but lets say it's for Viking fans all over.

Perhaps I should have waited till tonite to post this cause the Vikes are playing Oakland today and just might win.. but unfortunately, it's more likely that a lot of Minnesotans will be wearing the same face as this poor young fan is..

I must let them know that regardless, Life actually is Good!

Thursday, November 10, 2011


I've been somewhat torn in making a decision about attending a reunion of past employees of a company I worked for years ago.

Mack Travel gave me an opportunity to move into Northern Canada where I ended up living for about 25 years of my life. Most importantly, this move gave me the opportunity to be in a position to adopt my children, Jill and Jesse, and for that I am forever grateful and pleased.

The job itself was good for me as well. It helped me learn a sound basis for business and this has been somewhat of a building block for me over the years.

Torn... yes - because I left this job under less than desirable circumstances. The owner of the agency is and will always be very respected for his business acumen and his generosity. Without going into details, I lost a lot of respect I had for him and to be honest, couldn't care less if I ever see him again. And of course, he probably doesn't give a rat's ass if he were to see my pretty face again.

But.. I've been seeing a lot of Facebook posts from previous employees that I worked with who will be attending. I enjoyed their company both professionally and socially and .. well, it looks like it will be a lot of fun.

To top things off, I guess the decision maker for me was the little ditty posted along with this diatribe which I also saw on Facebook today. It is kind of corny, but I have to say that a lot of what it says has become my mantra in life and is sort of the basis for my starting this blog in the first place.

So, I booked my hotel room for this big occasion. It will no doubt be very highly attended and it will be good to see my old friends and colleagues. Maybe I'll even give JR a hug....

Life is Good!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

What we do on a quiet Saturday afternoon...

You have to admire the boys in Wisconsin. They never pass up an opportunity to put up a bar if they have a good visual opportunity..

Jewels and I took a drive out to the place where County Road E intersects County Road Z...

and what do you get.. the EZ Street Saloon of course...

Life is Good....

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I don't know why...

I'm not sure why but just sitting and watching my little birds buzz around the feeders makes me feel good.. Like I mean REALLY GOOD. It seems to just put my heart at ease and I could watch them all day - uhhh which I basically do cause being here is like being retired... which is not all good cause one of us has to go to work every day (except for weekends of course)..

I'm getting myself into trouble..

Winter is coming. Snow over the lake the other day. Hey.... that means there will probably be more of the little critters looking for food.

Life is Good.

Halloween MONSTERS!!!

Apparently, there were unconfirmed sightings in Courtenay BC last night of a very scary witch, accompanied by a tiny dinosaur.

Now we're not sure if we will be able to actually confirm this sighting, but there are also reports of a severe candy shortage in several houses in the area as well.

I love my girls... all of them!

Life is Good.