Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Home again in Duluth... love our back deck...

I've been home in Duluth for about a week now.. not much happening to post here lately but..

In addition to Lake Superior and the many views of "salties" and "lakers" going by on a daily basis, there is a lot of other things that make the back deck a happy place.

Great sunrises this time of year...

Oh... and have I ever mentioned that I love my birds???

No wonder I can't get anything done around here...

Life is Good!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

the day after...

We went out today to take a look at the damage from the surfacing yesterday.. surprise surprise .. it looked perfect.

We're very happy with the job.. everything looks great and it's amazing when vehicles roll over our asphalt.. it's so quiet compared to the road noise from the adjacent new hot mix lane.

Life is Good.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Missing my girls...

Been gone too long.... I'm so lucky to have these girls in my life...

Life is Grand...

Making History...

A very big day today for EZ Street Canada.  We installed about a half kilometer (2 lanes wide) of UVR asphalt.  This product is our patented cold asphalt that reflects off the sun's ultra violet rays which break down the asphalt cement that binds the whole product together.  The result is a surface that should not wear down, crack, or pothole - forever!  (Or at least a whole bunch of years)  A WHOLE BUNCH!

Anyways, the final product in it's natural color is a tan brown which will fade to more of a grey color and will also lighten up in color over a period of a few months.

As the day progressed, and the sun disappeared behind the cloud cover, the color of the roadway changed quite dramatically from tan brown (double double) to a grey shade.

Product went on smooth, no real problems, and open for traffic this evening.

Whoops.. Chris sent me a pic that he took the other day when we were checking out the site for the install.. intense... wet...  (behind the ears)

Life is Good!