Monday, March 31, 2014

thinking about my girls..

I love them so much...

Life is Good....

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Looking at real estate in Arizona and Florida...

You know... I really expected that after such a cold winter, the weather would start warming up and snow would be melting around the time I got back to Duluth from my recent trip.

But, it seems that every time the weather get's close to melting, it triggers another few inches of snow. We've had over 100 inches here this winter.. and the friggin stuff just won't stop.

HELLLLLLLPPPPPP... I'm trapped and I can't get out...

But I do have lotsa food.. and Chocolate.... and Beer.....

ah... Life is Good.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Drove 7700 km this past trip... saw a lot of great scenery.

Got back home to Duluth yesterday afternoon.  It's cold and still lots of snow... BUT..

Sometimes you forget how nice it can be here in spite of the weather.  Today was cold again.. but very sunny and a beautiful clear day.  Julie got a call from her friend Jean around 2pm saying that if we had time, we should take a drive up to Knife River to check out the ice piling up along the shore of the LAKE. 

So, off we went and the photo's say it all...

The ice was lovely... shades of white and blue.. a great day!

Life is Good!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Probably the most dramatic scenery I have encountered.. ever!

Yesterday, I was heading down Interstate 15 - not really knowing where I wanted to end up.  I was in Utah and recalled that my friend Jan Larsson once owned property near Salt Lake City (I was about 50 miles north of SLC at the time).. so, I called Jan to let him know that I was in his old stomping grounds.

In our conversation, Jan mentioned that if I had a chance, I should take a drive to a city called Moab which is in the SE part of the state.  He told me that over a course of 10 years, he had visited this area every year to hike and explore and he said that of all the places in the world he has travelled ..(and my buddy Jan has a LOT of miles on him) - that this area was the most beautiful he had ever visited.

Well.. with no real destination in mind (other than sight seeing and possibly a golf course) I turned off I-15 and headed SE.

I could see a good part of what Jan was talking about driving into Moab last nite... it is a very pretty area.. but - today I visited Arches National Park - a 20 mile drive off the highway which has vistas and hiking trails and I was overwhelmed by what I saw.  I've always liked the rugged scenery in eastern Montana and the badlands of N Dakota with its colors and buttes... but this was special.

I put the two top ones up first.. this was part of a hiking trail I took to see a rock formation called Delicate Arch which is one of the hi-lite formations in the park.  The ledge was about 6 feet wide and the drop down was about 300 feet in places (I think - I didn't look over the edge to chek)... I am soooo afraid of heights and I swear I thought I was going to faint a couple of times... but I made it and didn't embarrass myself - too badly!

Thank you to you Jan for recommending this area.. It's fantastic.

Life is Good!

Played 36 holes of golf today....

La La La La - Life is Good!!