Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter....

Well.. with much anticipation I dragged myself out of bed this morning..  casually peaking into every corner.. under tables and chairs... windowsills...  Nothing!  Sadly, I assume I need to work on my manners... my disposition... my generosity... my kindness and perhaps the EB will visit next year?? Being shut out on Easter treats is not a good way to start Easter morning...


My Jewels made me feel sooooo much better because she whipped up the beast breakie that I have had for a long long time...

Secret recipe clean pancakes with a raspberry sauce to die for.. home smoked back (Canadian) bacon imported from Cross Lake MN (thanks Bob)... and mimosa's made from a great champagne and pomegranate juice which was wonderful...  And to top it off.. she let me win a quick game of Crazy Eights after we cleared the table....

And it was a clean meal which is a bonus...

ahhhh.. Life is Good!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Dedication and Focus...

This pic was sent to me by my brother this morning.. Since all I've had to do today is shovel snow... AGAIN ... I thought I shud just re post it... kind of funny.

and of course, the byline...

It was later reported that Jimmy's wife got out safely, and that he did indeed make the put to par the hole... Jimmy says the divorce isn't going to be that bad...  now that there is no house involved...

Life is good....

Thursday, April 3, 2014


I've been thinking about this blog for a while now.. wondering if I should continue with it... or change the scope of the whole thing and make it more of an insight to my political and social views of life.

When I started the blog, I had just gotten out of the hospital after a scary operation that made me realize my mortality... I had just turned 60 and thought I would put together a format that would tell a bit about me.. about my life... something that my grand-kids could access in years to come.. perhaps after I am gone.. something that they can use to remember me - hey, for my friends that take the time to check this site out on occasion as well.

Life after 60!  Well, the old coot turns 65 in May and I guess that's what makes me think about changing the format... but

I was going through photos I have had taken of me over the past 6 months.. and you know what - the last 6 months have been a wonderful time.. the past 5 years (life after 60) has been a wonderful time.

Sooooooo... going over pics from the last 6 months has made me feel very very good about my life.. and this is just a very small part of what the past 6 months have brought me.. a teeny tiny part.  I've got to visit with friends and relatives in Toronto where I spent a few days with Bob and Jo.. Winnipeg with Bud and Dot, Linda and Andrea,  Russ and Dorothy... Edmonton where I finally got to spend a few days with Jesse (to bad Nikki was on work shift at the time)... Yellowknife with Chris, Ev, and Popeye and my good buddy Jan - not to mention the hundred or so old friends I bumped into in various locales (read local bars!)...the island visiting with Dennis and Landa.. Graham and his lovely family.. and of course Jill, Steve, and the absolute pride of my existence - my beautiful grand daughters.. Shaya and Rylie...

And this is just the travel part of my life.. I get to spend a lot of my time in Duluth with my lovely partner.. Jewels.  Along with her comes her family who have become my family.. her Mom and Dad.. brothers and their partners... her kids who are wonderful.. and her beautiful grand children with more on the way.. it's all been part of the best time of my life...

Life after 60 has been good.. and I plan to keep myself fit and healthy so that life after 65 gets only better.. I may change some parts the blog.. but I guess I have decided this morning that it is what I want it to be.. nothing really exciting.. nothing really controversial.. This is for you Jewels, It is What it Is!

Life is Good


The scourge of ebay...

I haven't used ebay for a few years now.. was kind of hooked on it for a few years buying excessive amounts of golf shoes, clubs, etc...

Well, I've been looking for some time, trying to find a matching Taylor-made Burner 3-wood to compliment my current set of clubs.  They have had one at Denham Sports here in Duluth but it's been priced at $99 for some time and they wouldn't budge on the price..

Found one on ebay yesterday!

And now it's mine... got it for $51 (plus $12 shipping) for a total of $63.  Saved myself 36 USD$ and the club shud be delivered this weekend.

Life is Good!