Sunday, January 25, 2015

Finally something exciting in my life :)

Well, not necessarily exciting but an opportunity to get up off my duff and make an entry onto this blog.  I noticed my last entry was Nov 4th so I guess you could say that I'm kinda lax.. pathetic.. lazy .... slow! 

This weekend the Superior Curling Club (where my team won last weekend's Mulligan Mixed Bonspiel - had to toss that in) - hosted the first Lake Superior pond curling bonspiel.  Well, it was kind of exciting in that we had teams entered from Maine and Chicago so of course what happens?? The weather hit +6C on Friday and didn't go down to freezing temps until last nite.

Ice melting, puddles everywhere, and no option on Friday other than moving the event indoors which looses some of the charm of the outdoor affair.  Anyways, the curlers got onto the outdoor ice today and the bonspiel wound up with everyone happy and ready to do it again next year.

The event's main attraction was an outdoor hockey tournament that has been an annual happening over the past few years. The final games were being held today.. everyone was having a cool time.

Hockey guys only get two pics.. because Je suis un curler extraordinaire. 

Life is Good