Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Back home after a lot of miles and a nice vacation...

Jewels and I did a driving marathon last week.. actually about 10 daze when we drove out to Florida to visit our friends (Bob and Jo Willacy) who have a lovely home in Palm Beach Gardens which is just north of Fort Lauderdale.

We managed to stay ahead of a nasty weather pattern on the way South and West and stopped in to the lovely and historic city of Savannah Georgia.  We spent a couple of nites there and did a lot of exploring.  The city is set up with a multitude of squares which depict life and history of the city. The dining was also tres bien and we totally enjoyed the stop.

As you can see from the pics above, I did manage to fine a slice of the beer drinker's heaven - The world of beer.  I can now say that I have officially seen this part of the "good" life.

From Savannah, we tripped down to Florida and spent 3 days with the Willacys. It was a great time and I managed to get in a couple of rounds of golf although the weather was a bit on the cool side.

Bob and Jo live in one of the PGA complexes and were able to get us out onto the Pete Dye Preserve which is home to many of the local pro golfers.

We took two and a half days of hard driving to cover the 2800km to get back to Duluth, again dodging storms and freezing conditions to arrive home at -22C on Sunday nite. 

It was a great trip but is always good to get home and feed my birds.. I even saw a robin fly over the back yard today so spring must be near. I think that I chased those damn pigeons off the deck enough times today for them to get the picture that they are not really wanted here!

Life is Good!

my girls....

Just a quickie here...

Jill has posted some cute pics of her and the girls on her facebook page... I thot I would copy a couple here to show off my favorite kids and tell them how much I love them and how much I am looking forward to a visit in early April.

YES.. Life is Good.