Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Yule Lads all done.. Happy New Year to All.

After Christmas, Jewels and I took a quick road trip .. first down to Milwaukee to visit Josh, Jill, and the twins.  Grandma Kathy was there as well so it was a nice visit.  We stayed at a hotel near Josh's house which had a pool so the grandma mermaids did their duty and accompanied the kids into the pool. 

Too bad I forgot my trunks at home... but hey, every event needs an official photographer n'est ce pas.

After this visit we continued on to Cam and Cassies to visit them and the girls.  We went out for a nice dinner on New Years Eve Eve... overnighted there and hit the road back to Duluth on New Years eve.  

All in all, a nice way to ring in the new year.. Too bad we are all so spread apart - would be so nice to get everyone together for a gang-visit.

ah well... Life is good!
