Thursday, March 30, 2017

I have a dream..

So why wouldn't it work....

You find a second hand boat in "fairly decent" shape...  scrape off the moss, and buy one of those long round poles/sticks.  You go down to Michaels and buy some swatches of canvas.. and with a little bit of effort and in jean uity, you have a seaworthy sailing vessel ... buy a couple of coleman coolers for grub and water... I know.. there is lots of water out there but I'm not sure if it's safe to drink...

Anyways... head north around the tip of Alaska (be careful not to get lost on the  Russian coast (take some portraits of D Trump in case..

I think I found the boat this morning....

Oh... and a flashlight and extra batteries... and a camera.

I think I could make Iqaluit by mid March....

Life is good

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Best day yet!

Sun was up and shining early this morning... a great day to take a walk up the beach.

This is the house I'm looking after .. along with 2 little pussy cats.  A mere 2 blocks down to a lovely beach walk....

This morning was the first really nice sunny start to a day up here.. well worth the wait.

And my attempt at a selfie.. with a great prop in the background...

Jill and the girls will be up for a couple of days this weekend.. really looking forward to spending some time with them..

Life is Good

Monday, March 13, 2017

Falling a bit behind on my posts.

So, I finally got up to Vancouver Island and I'm house sitting a lovely home with 2 great little kitty cats.  The house is warm and inviting which is good because the daily rain we experienced in Washington State has continued up here.

Now having said that, I have to say the high light of this trip north is spending time with the grand kids and my lovely daughter.  It's been simply a blast and I will have much more time to spend with them.

That last pic would be the cats... the rest we took on our stroll up the beach which is only a 5 minute walk from the house...

This house sitting gig is grrrrrrreat!

Life is Good.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

And after the museum, a hike in the Grand Forest.

What a lovely spot.. huge red cedar trees.. trees covered with moss from the constant wet climate... we took a hike after we got  back from Seattle.. just cause it's such a nice place.

Great spot... great hiking partner.... Life is Good....

How exciting does it get... two locales in one day.

We started out our day with a ferry ride over to Seattle.. we didn't get to see the museum on our last trip so we checked online... found out the hours it was open... and set sail...

I took a lot of photos.. it is a beautiful museum with some wonderful paintings and a lot of native American Indian art.  Posting a few pics that really caught my eye.

We spun through the museum in record time.. of course there is a story to each museum piece but unfortunately.. that stuff didn't really sick... but remember...

Life is Good!