Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Four high powered guys.. well, three and me

I was googling myself .. "just to see" cause I sometimes do that, and under images I found this pic taken at a Chamber of Commerce function in Yellowknife a year or so ago. L - R = Mayor Van Tighem, Premier Roland, Prime Minister Harper and l'il old me. Talk about a powerful bunch.. aye???

You'll note that Steevo... that's what he likes me to call him... is busy asking me a whole bunch of questions about how to best run the country and if I had a good recipe for brandied ham loaf.

Minnesota turkey!

So I'm finally going to get to see what American Thanksgiving is all about. I drove down to see my girl in Zumbrota on the weekend and after getting stood up for Trace, things have been so nice. I really enjoy my time with Jewels and I even have my own two drawers in the bedroom dresser so I'm guessing that our relationship is rock solid :)

Josh and Jill are visiting tonight from Milwaukee and leave tomorrow for Lake Ojeebojee (or whatever) and we are driving down to Duluth to have Thanksgiving with Bob and Judy, Scott and Kim, and Tom. Always a bit scarey, these Laven get togethers and mucho stessful for my Jewels but I'm sure it will be nice and all will survive. I know we will eat a lot and enjoy what is THE big holiday in the states (after xmas of course).

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Death and Taxes

Since I was sick last year, I have noticed that when I'm reading my newspaper, I have developed a habit of pausing at the page(s) that list the obituaries ... just to take a peek. I have been noting that there are a lot of people that are passing on to the next stage that are often younger that I am. I guess I will have to count on the family genes and hope that I can keep up with Mom and Dad who both have late eighties on their resumes and Mom is talking about 100!

Anyways, a couple of months ago, I saw an obituary for an old school friend, Albert Monkman who had colon cancer. His photo was a bit eerie in that he looked almost the same at age 60+ as he did in his school days - a beautiful smile and so sincere and happy looking. Today, I noticed that another school and 4H chum, Kay Lamblin passed on from cancer. His funeral is in Lundar tomorrow and although I planned to head south, I just may detour and pay my respects.

I don't think I'm afraid of death.. but I am certainly more aware that I should be making more of my life and enjoying the next 20 years or so because.... well, just because, OK

By the way, If anyone from Revenue Canada is reading this, I promise to pay my outstanding taxes from 08 before the end of the year.. I promise!!!!

Pics taken recently of Shaya for the family xmas cards.

Time is flying by....

I left home on the 14th of October.. drove out to Edmonton and carried on to Vancouver to oversee the production of EZ Street asphalt for a new client on the west coast. It went well, in spite of all the rain and I'm glad to see that we have a customer that is anxious to work with us and wants to cover as much of the western provinces as we will allow. We have to see how things work out with him for now but I'm optimistic that this is just one piece of a growing puzzle.

I was pleased that I could take a few days to visit with Jill, Wayne, and Shaya. My lovely little grand daughter is growing so fast and she was very comfortable with me right from the start. I love spending time with her.. she is at my favorite stage.. vocabulary growing daily and communicating and interested and interesting. Unfortunately, I only had a few days with the kids as I had some work in Edmonton to follow up on. Gawd the drive back to Alberta was horrible. It is the first time that I have ever been really.. I mean REALLY, concerned and somewhat afraid with the road and conditions.. Blizzard in the mountains with major delays due to accident.. followed by heavy fog and black ice road conditions - it took me almost 24 hours to make the trip that normally would be about half of that. But, I arrived safe and sound in Edmonton in time to oversee a production of EZ Street at the city of Edmonton paving plant. Again, all went well with that. The Edmonton trip was combined with spending time at the NUNA offices. This is the company that has bought 50% of our business and I found it interesting to spend a few days with the new manager and get to know some of the local staff. I spent some time again with my friends Bill and Pat who have opened their house to me at any time I need a bed.. they have been so very good to me and Julie since my surgery last year. I really do not know how I would have survived my illness and stay in Edmonton last year if I did not have their support and friendship. I love them both dearly and wish I could show my thanks in some special way. I will have to give this some thought and perhaps next year when it is time for them to move to Nova Scotia and enjoy retirement, I can help them in some way.

I got to spend some time with Jesse and Nikki as well. Jesse is doing incredibly well with his school and I am so proud and happy for him. He is working hard and is dedicated to this course. Jesse is having a bit of difficulty adjusting to "co-habitation" .. this is his first real relationship and I spent a bit of time giving him the benefit of some advice from the wealth of experience I have in dealing with women.. LOL... actually, I told him if he ever figures it all out, to let me know as I have not been really successful but am working on a very important project at the present time.. right Jewels??

I made a very tough.. and for me, bold decision a couple of days ago. I decided to semi retire... at least, to leave the employ of EZ Street/Nuna Innovations and leave it up to my partners and staff to run that business. I am counting on them to make enough profits to look after me in my old age. In the meanwhile, I will pick at part time work and get to spend a bit more time with Julie.. it's time to make something more of that relationship. I love my girl and I want to spend more.. much more time with her.