Sunday, September 18, 2011

I'm back.....

Well, I haven't fallen off the edge of the world, but I can see it from here!! After mom's funeral, I headed up to Yellowknife to help out with our business in the north. We have purchased an asphalt plant and we have been busy setting up the operation and right now we have over 1300 tonnes of asphalt piled up and ready to install.

We have a contract to pave the streets N'dilo which is an aboriginal village linked to Yellowknife historic "Old Town" area. Not a huge job but one that is exciting and our first foray into surfacing as our product has been primarily used for patching and repair work till now.

We have had a lot of very positive and exciting things happening the past few weeks. It is the culmination of a lot of hard work done by the boys up here in YK and such an exciting time for us all.

The photos were taken at our plant today. We have had a pair of young foxes hanging around. The asphalt piles are warm and they seem to find it cozy to hang out amongst them.

I'll post more pics later. One of the reasons I have been lax at posting updates here is the fact that I left my camera in my vehicle in Wpg.... arrrghh..

Miss you Jewels...

Life is Good.