Monday, December 31, 2012

Sunrise on the Lake... again!

Well, mixed in with the bad stuff happening in our world comes sunrise over the Lake.  It is so nice for us to look forward to what Mr. Sun will bring every day.

Today was nice and Life is Good.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Every day there's a new story with the same theme

Most if not all of my posts on this blog have been about happy times... following my little byline about "Life is Good"!

I've been thinking about this for a while now and it's due to an alarming trend that is in the news on a daily basis. The photo above is a 10 year old child named Jade Morris who was killed by a woman in Las Vegas.  Jade Morris didn't do anything - other that be in the wrong place with the wrong person at the wrong time.

I'm going to try attach the story below these comments.  This is not a rant but just an expression of how sad I feel when I read these stories. I know that there are much worse things happening in this world where kids are starving in the thousands due to drought or civil war or whatever but there is virtually nothing that can be done other than getting our "have" countries involved.

But... in almost every case I read about kids being killed in North America.. in our back yards in some cases, the children are just innocent victims of fucked up people that can't deal with their issues or illnesses, and eventually are ignored long enough that they take out their frustrations and feelings on the helpless people around them - the children who did not ask to be there in the care of such dangerous sick people. In most cases, the adults that kill have sought help but either can't find it or get lost in the system.

It's just so very sad and it makes me wonder if there is anything that can possibly be done to stop it.

Yeah... life is good, but not for everyone.

Friday, December 28, 2012

T'is been a nice Christmas...

We've enjoyed a nice Christmas Holiday this season.  We hosted a gang on Xmas Eve and then had Christmas day at Scott's cabin on Island Lake.

Nothing like a cold beer and a rousing game of bocce ball on the ice.  We had fires roaring outdoors on both days and of course kept warm in the hot tub - as required.

A couple of days ago, (Boxing Day is not a common name here in the states) we drove down to Minneapolis and spent the day with Julie's grand kids. It was nice and also reminded me of how much I miss my family this time of year.

Anyways, I want to wish my friends who visit this page a wonderful holiday and all the best for a healthy happy New Year.

Life is Good!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Winter Wonderland in Courtenay!

I nabbed some photos that Jill took and posted onto Facebook.

Looks like Courtenay got a beautiful dump of the white stuff just in time for Christmas.  I'm so very happy that Jill's mom Diane and her sister Rebecca could be with the family for the Christmas Holiday.

My grandkids look so grown up and happy.  I love you all and Merry Christmas to you!

Life is great!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

WoooHoooo... exciting!

Excitement at the bird feeders today.  I recently put out a suet feeder to try attract some small downy woodpeckers that hang around a bit.  Unfortunately the feeders also attract pigeons and grackles so I'm constantly shoooo-ing the varments away.

This morning I saw a big black bird latched onto the suet and thought it was a crow - until it swung around and  I saw it's head.  I just love the look of this majestic looking bird.  Tried to get a good pic through the DR window and managed to get a few.

Yes, live is Good!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Just a "crafty" guy

Or is it a "Loony" guy???

Yesterday was day four of my 4 day stained glass classes.  It's something that I have always kinda wondered about and voila - the loon appeared.  It's hanging in the dining room window for now. Looks rather nice if I do say so myself.  Saw the same piece in a craft store today in Canal Park with a $80 price tag on it.

I'll probably go onto a new prOject in the new year but for now, I'm quite satisfied.

Life is Good.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Happy Birthday!

I am so very happy that you are the major part of my life.

Happy Birthday Jewels!  I Love You.

Life is Good - for the Queen of the Lake!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Visiting the Museum of Russian Art in St Paul..

Jewels was attending a seminar in Minneapolis this week so I tagged along and we made a nice weekend out of it visiting Annie as well as Cam and Cassie and the girls.

We finally got to visit the Museum of Russian Art this trip and just loved it.  The main feature of the Museum was the works of Nicolai Fechin and the pics above are a cross section of his works. Almost eerie how realistic his paintings are.

The top floor of the museum was dedicated to some of the more popular works of art over the past few years.  One of them was called "The Milkmaids" and it was a painting of three women taking a break from milking the cows and obviously were sharing a private joke.  The features on their faces was so real.... just sitting there looking at this painting made me laugh aloud, and I sat and enjoyed this painting for a few minutes.  Good for the soul.

Life is Good.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Best sunrise over Superior.... EVER!

 Yeah... I know!

I've been very quiet for a while but in a way that is good because it's been quiet and life has been rather normal for the past few weeks. The most exciting happenings has been curling Mondays and Tuesdays (we won our games both nites this week) and I've started a stained glass course which I'm finding quite interesting.

This morning the sunrise over the Lake was stunning. Jewels and I were just in awe of what was happening outside of our window.

Life is Good!