Sunday, August 27, 2017

Lookit.... I don't really enjoy driving that much...

So after driving from Yellowknife to Duluth in early July, flying to Iceland and back, and then mid August driving back to Edmonton you would think it's what I like to do...

I guess to a certain degree it is something I truly enjoy.. but this trip to Edmonton was something I've been working on for a while.  Finally got the go ahead to drop off my VW Jetta (it was one of those bad boy cars that was set up with software to disguise the emissions from the beast.  The car was dropped off and I was paid for it on the 15th... then as I was on foot in the big city I had to look for a new set of wheels...

I decided it's time to go for something small and economic... there was a Nissan dealer adjacent to the VW place where I dropped my car...

I'm now driving a Nissan Versa... it handled well on my next journey where I drove from Edmonton to Victoria Beach to spend a couple of days with Dennis and Landa.. then the last of my driving for a while (I think) down to Duluth.

The colour is called peacock.. never liked blue cars  (Oh Well)

Life is Good...

OK.. round 3 of my pics from Iceland.

As I stated before, I took over 400 photos of the marvellous country and could have done a lot more.  But... I'm putting a strain on my old laptop and here's the last round for now.

The famous Icelandic ponies.

Can you spot Julie in the waterfall?

The two pics above are interesting.  The farm on the top is what it looks like today and the panel below is what it looked during the big old volcano that happened in April of 2010 where the load of ash spilled out of the mountain and virtually shud down the country for several days.

Another interesting set of pics.  The three above show the bridge over the EurAsian plate where the plate below splits off Europe from North America.  The top two are taken where you can walk over the divide ... didn't feel any motion thank goodness.

This pic is for you Cam... your Mamma thought it would be one that you are interested in.

OK.. that's it for know.... yeah.. Life is Good

More pics from our Iceland trip.

Some of (Well, a lot of) my photos look similar. For instance, many water falls were fantastic and I found myself taking photos of them from different angles and distances.  But hey, that's OK.  Here are a few more.

Light house and beach near the home we were staying at.

Beautiful church in down town Reykjavik.

This is the black sand volcanic beach at the town of Vik on the south side.

Not an uncommon sight... steam rising from the ground.. hot pools of water.

In many places the rocks formed from lava were covered with miss.. very spongy to walk on.

More hot pools.

Grass covered house.. no longer used other than a tourist attraction.

Took us a while but we finally noticed a pattern.. sheep (which were everywhere) usually travelled in groups of 3.  Turns out that the ewes from the previous year usually stayed with the momma until they were grown up and started their own family.  There were sheep everywhere and we are still wondering how the farmers kept track of their livestock.

And, here we go again...  more pics of Iceland to follow.. Life is Good.

Some pics from our trip to Iceland.

Well, we (Julie, Scott, and I) spent 12 days in Iceland and it was a fun trip.  We travelled Iceland Air and flew out of MSP on the 26 July and returned on the 7th of Aug.  The country was so interesting and not really what I expected.  The landscapes were covered with rock in many/most places... the type of rock was what you see from the volcanic eruptions that are a big part of the history of the island.

People were friendly... most spoke english and the most descriptive word we came up with to describe them was "stoic".  I had originally expected to try look up some relatives but we were so into travelling and taking in the sights that we just didn't find the time... maybe next trip?

OK... here's a bunch of pics from the trip.  If my transfer of pics to this blog works, I'll probably put more up later.. I transferred over 400 pics off my little camera when I got home so you can see how impressive the country is.  Translation = Waterfalls and Fjords!

There were beautiful and magnificent water falls EVERYWHERE.

This is the type of landscape in the flat areas covered with rocks from the volcanic eruptions.

My idea of a gourmet snack.  Hard fiskur drying on the racks... YUMMY!

We spent a lot of time in the north west part of the island .... the fjords were so so nice.

Line ups to buy the local gourmet meal of lamb based hot dogs. 

More pics to follow... yeah, Life is Good.