Sunday, December 13, 2009

Mom's 89th Birthday Celebration

This weekend (Dec 12th) we got as many of the family together as we could. Since everyone has plans for Christmas this year, we decided to get together this weekend and celebrate Mom's 89th along with our Christmas visit. It was a very nice weekend and we enjoyed a potluck at the Lundar Senior's Home. Although it was a nice visit, it was too bad that my kids and Dennis' gang were too far away to be able to join us. I think Mom had a nice time and we were joined by Aunty Laura and Laurie as well as Dick and Doreen.

It was a weekend to celebrate as well with the announcement that Lynda and Scott are expecting their first child in July so Lynda and Jill will be adding to the clan around the same time. Our thoughts and prayers are with cousin Ray as well who is in the hospital in Winnipeg in the ICU battling it out with H1N1.

Friday, December 4, 2009

He looks a bit like me...

Ever since my younger days, I have continually had people come up to me and say... "Has anyone ever told you you look like Robin Williams"... I even got asked for an autograph in a restaurant in Banff years ago. One of the reasons I grew my little goatee is because I was tired of people coming up to me with a "Nano Nano" or something similar. I felt that as I aged the look alike was fading but Jill mentioned to me that Shaya saw RW on tv and thought it was grandpa.

Just looking at some youtube stuff with RW and with his beard, he does look a bit like me. I wonder if he knows how famous he could be working as my double????

Thursday, December 3, 2009

I'm not sure if I'm authorized to do this???

But I thought I'd make the announcement. It looks like I'm going to be a Grandpa for a second time. Jill told me today that she is expecting in early July. Good timing for not getting in the way of her schooling but I imagine wedding plans will be pushed back.

I'm very happy for my kids.. congratulations to Wayne and Jill and of course my precious little Shaya who will have a new brother to play with???

It also gave me an excuse to post a pic from my last visit with my favorite little girl.

I know this isn't retirement but....Holy moly this is fun!

So I haven't really been bored the past few days although with Julie off to work at 0730, I have been stretched a bit to make my days constructive. Well, today after I had washed the dishes and made the bed, this may surprise some of youall, but I was actually still looking for something to do! I had brought a tub of EZ Street cold asphalt into the house last nite to warm up - I had had this in the back of my truck from the last Edmonton trip and decided today was the day I go out and fix that big old pothole out front. Not sure if the town of Zumbrota would actually appreciate my work, I made a quick job of sweeping out the freshly fallen snow from last nite and placing the patch.

Ohhh sad me.. that was the excitement for the day other than going down to Bridget's cafe for an coffee and a read on the local newspaper. I must find a hobby!