Thursday, May 27, 2010

Just back from a quick trip to Edmonton.

So, the main reason for my trip to Edmonton was that I had a job to do for my buddy Bill at Larga. His parking lot in one area was sinking or settling and as a result, every time it rained a huge puddle occured and it was quite inconvenient for parking and getting in and out of vehicles. Bill asked me if I could do an overlay over the whole area to level it off and make sure the water was draining in the right direction. I told him, OF COURSE I can fix it although I have never done a job like this before. It started with an estimate of how much asphalt I would need to overlay the whole section and my guess of 7 tonnes of product turned out to be quite accurate - much to my surprise!

I was very lucky that Jesse and Nikki were around and they were a huge help in shoveling up the asphalt and moving it around and spreading and tamping and on and on. It was very good for me as I have come to realize that I must be very careful not to take on more that I can chew (so to speak) and this was about as big of a job as I want to do. It didn't help that Edmonton set a record for the date (May 21st I think) where the temp hit +31.8C.

So the photos above show the progress we made to do the job. I actually had to rent a large roller compactor and was quite proud that not only the lot got leveled properly but the fences were all still standing after I was done.

I got home yesterday afternoon and am washing my laundry tonite as I'm off to Minnesota tomorrow to spend some time with my hunnie.... WhooooHooooo Life is Good!

Friday, May 14, 2010

It's been a while since I've updated this site!!!

I was sitting out on my deck this afternoon sipping on a glass of wine, reading the Globe, and just relaxing after a nice game of golf at Clear Lake and it was soooooo nice! The birds were chirping so I took a few pics of them at the feeder and, well, Life is Good!

I'm feeling a bit apprehensive because I decided a couple of weeks ago to list my house with the local realtor ... just a bit of a fishing session to see if I got any bites. Well, it looks like I got a nibble as my realtor called to tell me that she will have a written offer tonight for me to look at. Now, this probably is good - even considering that I do not have an option as to where I will live - at the present moment. But as Jewels and I often say, what's the worst that could happen.

I have been busy lately with a bit of work ( did a couple of small jobs in Winnipeg) and I've been touring MB doing some visiting as well. A couple of weeks ago, I journeyed down to Manitou and visited with one of my elementary teachers (from grade 5 or 6).. Miss Magnusson, known now as Haraldine Mangusson Webb, who had the horror of teaching myself and my croonies a "few" years ago. It was so very nice to touch base with her, and Bob, and have a visit and discuss the old days.

From there, I went into Winnipeg and had a lovely couple of nites with Russel and Dorothy. Russ and I had ...uhhhh.. several beers one nite and then off to the golf course the next day. The courses are all open now and most have wintered well. Then, off to Victoria Beach for a couple ove nites with Dennis and Landa... damn.. I have to get better at taking my camera out of the bag and doing some pics. Anyways, had a great visit with those guys as usual. Then last weekend I went out to Mom's and spent a nite with her to celebrate Mother's Day. Dennis and Landa showed up there as well so now we are officially sick of each other and never want to visit each other again.. well, that's probably how they feel anyways.

Finally, I was in Winnipeg the other day to do a little job with Canad Inns and touched base with Darlene and Ron Peterson. What a nice visit I had with them. Haven't seen those guys for a visit for about 25-30 years and it was just like yesterday. Ron and I played a round of golf at ??? River Oaks?? course in St Norbert. We had a lovely barbeque after that so all in all, it was a great visit.

OOOPs.. forgot to mention that prior to all the above visiting, I managed to get over to cousin Doris and Asgar Sigurdsons for coffee as well. I'm so happy to be able to visit people that I have not seen for ages. Everyone is getting a bit older... but like me.. wiser as well.

I'm off to Edmonton tomorrow. I have a job at Larga to fix up some of the parking area and will get to visit with Bill and Pat as well as Jesse and Nikki. Then, on the 24th I'm off ot Osoyoos BC to meet up with some of the vagabonds from Yellowknife who are down for the week for a golf trip. Should be nice to get a visit with them and possibly a chance to take a few dollars off them as well.

Life is Good, isn't it?!!!