Monday, February 28, 2011


I was just browsing thru various internet sites and on Google News there was an ad... Rolling Stone Magazine with a photo that featured the past and the present of Rock and Roll...

Growing up with the Beatles and the Rolling Stones was good.. really Good.

But it looks like we are all getting older.. right Mick?

Be careful Justin.. bad bad man!

Life is Good!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The American Berkebiener - Hayward Wisc.

We drove out to Hayward Wisconsin (about 2 hours from Duluth) this morning to watch Scott and some other friends partake in the American Berkebiener. This was Scott's 27th annual race that he took part in.. and that's no small feat - I'd say at least size 12!

Anyways, the weather was fairly cold, the crowd was large and dressed for the elements, there were about 7500 skiers, (both skate style and classic) and most covered a distance of 55 Km. Most of them had huge icicles hanging from their beards (except for the women) and we heard stories about some that had to stop due to hypothermia and frozen faces. You have to admire the dedication and athleticism of these people. The event is a huge international competition with skiers from all over the world attending.

All in all, a very nice day. Scott did well and we were all happy for him and cheered him on the the finish line.

Life is Good!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A little icy out at Canal Park!

So it appears that a few people have not only noticed - but also commented on the fact that I haven't been very active in updating this blog.. truth be known, I just haven't been doing much since I got back to Duluth other than day to day living blissfully... but...

We had Annie and Luke visiting this weekend and the weather was unsettled to say the least. We were watching the whitecaps and the ice moving around on the big lake in the extreme wind storm monday and I had thought it might be worthwhile checking out Canal Park... then of course, forgot to do so.

Well, this morning was a beautiful calm sunny day and Jewels and I decided to take a walk out by the boardwalk... and what a wonderful wintery experience that was.. Ice just covered everything out there! Must have been a constant mist on Monday and the result was such a beautiful and somewhat eerie landscape. The photos are great but don't do justice to the beauty that this morning presented to us.

Live is Good!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Grand Coulee is Grand.. really GRAND

After looking at my map, my decision to travel thru the states was influenced by the idea of passing through Grand Coulee..

I haven't been to one of these large Dam sites ever before and must say it was impressive.. it would be a great spot to spend a day or two just to visit the tourist information building and get an idea of what the story is behind such a large project..

Speaking of large, this is big, on a Montana scale.. Yes Montana.. Again...

Looks like I get to do a drive through that massive, huge, large, overgrown, bigassed state tomorrow..

Is Life good?????

heading home... with a slight detour

sort of a last minute decison.. I decided to take Hwy 3, the southern route via Calgary to head home today.. .. got to Osooyos and decided that I just couldn't take another trip through Alberta and Saskatchewan so I crossed the US border and headed SE from there.. a large part of this trip was new to me so it was good.. Jewels and I went thru part of this area last summer but the stark brown colors and the sheer vastness of this area made for some great scenery... took my time and just enjoyed the miles passing by..

Life is good...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

A day on Quadra Island..

Uncle Dennis and Auntie Landa are on the island visiting with Graham and Leah and the gang and yesterday I had a chance to go golfing near Qualicum Beach..

When I told Jill, I think I got a bit of a dirty look ... apparently the plan was a trip over on the ferry from Campbell River to Quadra Island..

Of course, this turned out to be a wonderful day... Wayne was working so we packed up the kids and toured this great little place.. beautiful beaches, lots of hiking trails, neat little B+B's, quaint little inns.. and a rainbow.. It was nice.. there are Bald Eagles everywhere as well just playing tag in the wind currents like the Ravens do up north..

Lovely day the the kids and golfing with uncle Dennis can be done at any time.

Actually, we went over to Grahams today for brunch. Shaya loved visiting her "girl cousins" and Rylie just enjoys herself wherever she goes.

I'm off tomorrow.. heading back east .. miss my Jewels...

Life is good.

yes... a picture is worth a thousand words..

Enough said... Vancouver Island in February????

Life is Good!