Friday, October 28, 2011

A couple of pics from the wedding... Art who??

I didn't take my camera to the wedding so just using a few shots that Scott took at the ceremony.

The wedding was at the home of friends of Annie and Tab and it was a beautiful setting around the pool with a vineyard in the background. There were several famous people attending in addition to me... Art Garfunkle had a nice chat with Bob and Judy after the ceremony. The kids were there as well except for Cam and Cassie who were missed.

All in all, a beautiful day and a lovely couple.

Life is Grand...

1 comment:

  1. Nice! The best part about weddings is the family. I remember my wedding day and the people who travelled from faraway places just to be with me. We even had an after wedding party in a beautiful event space NYC. This post reminded me of my wedding day.
