Saturday, June 30, 2012

A big day for the lobster fishermen....

A hub of activity today in the Tignish area.  The lobster fishermen who have been out at sea since May 1st are facing cut off day today.  This means that all lobster traps must be lifted and all lobsters caught have to be declared and weighed in order to be paid for their products.

According to all we talked with, the local boys have had one of their best seasons for many years.  Today they are really scrambling to get everything in on time.  I assume the local fisheries and oceans employees are very "by the book" and will not allow any products to be declared past today's deadline.

We peeked inside one of the Co-op's storage areas and in the picture above, the storage tubs are full of lobsters and this locker area holds thousands of live lobsters ready for shipping.

We feel that we are quite lucky.  We not only fell into a great and friendly place to stay last night but a clear, warm, and sunny day to see the activity at the docks is a once in a year thing.

We're in Charletttown tonite for 2 days.  Hope to see the Canada Day parade tomorrow and just relax a couple of days.  We did drive thru Cavendish today and saw some of the "Our Annie of Green Gables" stuff ... bot a book for my grand-kids and now we are early into the hotel today.

Life is Good...

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