Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Another addition to the rear of the house....

Well... fall is here and it looks like most of our outdoor work is just about done. Except for cleaning the garage and digging out the garden of course.

The latest and greatest additions have been our hot tub which was set up about a month ago and today we completed building a pergola onto the rear deck of the house.  Shud give a good spot for the pigeons to roost and C*#P all over.  It looks great and Scott (Julie's bro) did a wonderful job.  Now we have more "stuff" to paint when we do the trim next summer.

I think we will enjoy this new addition as much as we have enjoyed the hot tub to this point...

Life is Good!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Up the North Shore with D + L on Sunday...

Yesterday we took Dennis and Landa up the North Shore.  Destination was Split Rock Lighthouse and it was a lovely bright day.  After taking in the sights and colors in that area, we moseyed down to Gooseberry and Julie did her annual climb up "her" rock that guards the rive outlet to Superior.

Finished the trip with a great lunch at our favorite restaurant in Two Harbours (The Vanilla Bean), and just made it home to Duluth in time for the cocktail hour.

Dennis and Landa took off North this morning for home.  A fun visit and great weather.

Life is Good.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

visitors from "Up North"

My brother Dennis and my lovely Sister-in Law Landa drove down this weekend and we are so happy to host them and show off our lovely home to them.

This morning, we hiked around Chester Bowl (in spite of the sub-zero temperatures and driving rain), and it was actually kinda nice..

After a shopping trip to Canal Park and a fine meal (with beers) at Fitgers, we drove up to Enger Park and took in the views of the city.

So nice... great town, great weather, great company... Life is Good!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

"Nuff said....

Life is Good... even at the Lester course!!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

A lovely evening at Canal Park

After supper we decided to take a drive and since there was an incoming laker, we decided to head for Canal Park.  It seemed quiet as the tourist season is almost over but the weather was so nice and and there was a fair bit of activity on the water.

I thought it may be too dark but my photos turned out good.  This was one honkin big  boat.  What a nice way to spend the evening...

Life is Good!

Nice pics that were posted on Facebook....

So I was on facebook this morning and saw a couple of fotos that were posted by Diane Baxter who is Jill's biological mother.

One was taken a few years back when Jill visited them in Inuvik.  Shaya is just a baby in this pic so it must have been about 4 years ago.  Left to right in this pic is Diane, Jijuu Mary (Jill's Great Grandmother who is 92),  and Jill's Grandmother Ellen and Jill.

In the second photo we have Diane on the left,  Jill's sister Maribeth,  Grandmother Ellen, Jijuu Mary who is holding Maribeth's daugher Jazelle.

So nice to see Jill's other family - she is so lucky to have them actively in her life..

Life is Good!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

More road surfacing with EZ Street

Another new surfacing job using EZ Street.  This one was a bit different as the surface was an old wooden bridge.  Hot asphalt will not adhere to wood so it could not be used.  Also, bridge vibrations ultimately wear down and crack both hot asphalt as well as concrete.

This job was extra important as we used a product that contained no diesel fuel at all.  The EZ Street used biofuel as an additive to cut the AC and the result was a nice smoooooooth job as seen above.  Of note is the middle part of the bridge where the EZ Street bonds together and as a result, no seam that will allow water to collect and do it's damage.

What a great product!!  Late October and we will be producing colored/reflective asphalt in Vancouver.

I can't wait... Life is Good!