Thursday, September 13, 2012

Nice pics that were posted on Facebook....

So I was on facebook this morning and saw a couple of fotos that were posted by Diane Baxter who is Jill's biological mother.

One was taken a few years back when Jill visited them in Inuvik.  Shaya is just a baby in this pic so it must have been about 4 years ago.  Left to right in this pic is Diane, Jijuu Mary (Jill's Great Grandmother who is 92),  and Jill's Grandmother Ellen and Jill.

In the second photo we have Diane on the left,  Jill's sister Maribeth,  Grandmother Ellen, Jijuu Mary who is holding Maribeth's daugher Jazelle.

So nice to see Jill's other family - she is so lucky to have them actively in her life..

Life is Good!

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