Thursday, June 20, 2013

such a pretty flower...

Took some pics out in the flower garden this morning..  just had to share this tooolip with those who tune into my "exciting" life..

Life is Good.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Our first hike of the season... finally!

The weather was nice and the options were... hike Chester Bowl.. pull weeds in the gardens... drive up the north shore to the Knife River and do a 4.5 mile hike up there.

It was a lovely day on the Knife River.

Actually the trail itself wasn't the nicest we've been on along the shore.. but when we stumbled upon a huge beaver dam along the trail, - well - it got better real fast.  Neither Jewels or I have seen such a large beaver dam up close like this and it was absolutely amazing.

The goal today was to hike up to a small set of falls along the river.. had a nice little lunch overlooking the falls and then headed back home...

Nice nice day...  Life is Good.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Out to Scott's cabin today...

We've had company this weekend.  Cam, Cassie and the kids spent a few nights with us and it was great having them here.  Bad news was that the normally photogenic Cassie decided to show us the physically ill side of her... poor dear was in bed with various ailments most of the time and thus she didn't get to join us in our trip out to Scott's cabin to put in the dock.

It was a funny day with hot sunny weather with the occasional interruption of a windy heavy rainfall.  But, as the rest of the photos show, we had a good day.. the dock got installed and is reasonably straight and level.. and mostly safe to walk on.. it withstood the family gathering photo (with the limited members of the family in attendance)...

A nice day.. sorry you felt so crappy Cassie.... but

Life is Good!

I've been negligent ... AGAIN!

It's finally been a beautiful weekend with lots of sun and a few showers to soak the gardens.  I took some pics today of the gardens out front with our little crab apple tree that is blossoming nicely.

Julie is so very happy with the progress of the gardens.. she and Annie put a lot of thought and work into it last summer and the results are starting to show nicely.

Lilac trees are also in full bloom...  Life is Good.