Sunday, June 16, 2013

Out to Scott's cabin today...

We've had company this weekend.  Cam, Cassie and the kids spent a few nights with us and it was great having them here.  Bad news was that the normally photogenic Cassie decided to show us the physically ill side of her... poor dear was in bed with various ailments most of the time and thus she didn't get to join us in our trip out to Scott's cabin to put in the dock.

It was a funny day with hot sunny weather with the occasional interruption of a windy heavy rainfall.  But, as the rest of the photos show, we had a good day.. the dock got installed and is reasonably straight and level.. and mostly safe to walk on.. it withstood the family gathering photo (with the limited members of the family in attendance)...

A nice day.. sorry you felt so crappy Cassie.... but

Life is Good!

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