Sunday, July 21, 2013

Three Hikes today! So Nice!

Today we drove up the North Shore and turned inland just past Silver Bay.  Drove in to Isabella and found two hikes that were quite different from those we have been taking.  Both involved a hike around a lake.. one called Eighteen Lake and the other was Divide Lake.  Each hike was about 2.5 miles and it was a gorgeous day.  Temp around 70F and the only bad part was the hungry mosquiteos.

After we finished our second hike, we drove back to the North Shore and hiked into Shovel Point  which is just south of Beaver Bay.  This was very interesting as the point goes about a mile out into Lake Superior and offers beautiful views on either side.. Total trip around 2 miles so today's total was about 7 miles of great scenery and wonderful company!

Tomorrow, we're off to Milwaukee to visit Jill and Josh.. a couple of days there and then into Bayfield on Wednesday to see Mary.  Then back to Duluth for the weekend.. the folks visiting from Peeequot and the tall ships weekend in Duluth.

Life is Good.

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