Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Making our first batch of EZ Street "C-C-Cold" asphalt in Whitehorse!

I arrived into Whitehorse late last night and noticed that there was a bit of snow on the ground ... well it turned out to be quite a bit of snow when morning broke today...

Took a few pics around the hotel this morning.. and a few at the asphalt plant where we will be working the next few days... Looks like a bit of a challenge to say the least!

 I think our pile of aggregate is under one of these piles of snow!

Life is Good!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

A lovely day for a hike - Ely's Peak...

Today, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, and I decided that there had to be better things to do than to hang out on the couch watching football all day. 

Jewels had gone hiking with a friend when I was up north and it was sort of a short cut up to the top of Ely's Peak.. I say a short cut as it was a lot shorter than the route from the rear.. and this route was only a mile... but lotsa climbing...  It got quite warm and the layers were stripped off.. the colors were great... the company was very nice.. and it was a wonderful stroll.

I also figured that if we left early enough, I would be back early afternoon and still get my fill of Sunday NFL football..  Right again!

On the way home, we stopped in at the Enger tower.. colors were so nice.. and always a great view of the City..

 It's probably going to get cooler soon.. perhaps the snow will be falling and we'll be hauling out the snow shoes.. Kind of looking forward to that but a day like today was so nice..

Life is Good

Friday, October 10, 2014

Golfing the courses at Bibwabik MN... two hidden golfing gems

This past weekend Scott and I drove out to Bibwabik which is about 80 miles north of here.  It's really the middle of no-where - home of the Iron Range mining and two great golf courses.  It was cold.. really cold and windy.. but the fall colors were splendid and the company was great. We met up with Tom and a friend of ours from Yellowknife and a marvelous guy, Keane Bushey.

There are two courses in an area called Giant's Ridge.  The land is reclaimed Iron Range mining quarries and they are great courses, challenging.. and too tough for an old guy like me.

Life is Good...

some more fall colors...

A few days ago, I grabbed the camera and did a little drive in the neighborhood.  It' is really awesome to see the colors at this time of year..

The photo above is our street.. the picture is taken right from the front of our house.

The photos above were taken on the way out to Island Lake where Scott has a cabin. Always a pretty drive, winter summer and fall.. Spring... NAAAHHH... to many potholes to navigate!

The pic above is off our back deck.. we are so lucky to have this type of scenery.. on top of Lake Superior... the second largest lake in N. America.  :)

Life is Good.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Quick trip from Duluth to Winnipeg

I had some doctor's appointments in Winnipeg last week so I enjoyed a quick drive up to sunny Manitoba. It's a wonderful time of year... the fall colors are probably near their peak which made it difficult to concentrate on the driving at times...

Here's a small sampling of the scenery as I drove up to International Falls and then through N Ontario - Kenora on the way to Winnipeg..

It's the most wonderful time of the year!  Life is Good.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

been hiking

We've been trying to get out for a nice little hike every day for the past while... the colors are just starting to burst out and .. well. it's just very nice...

The other day we hiked up to peace ridge... a nice hike into a ridge that overlooks the city.. the day was clear and warm and the city looked simply mahvellous that day..

T'was a delightful little stroll...  Life is Good.

Monday, September 22, 2014

My girls are growing up...

Shaya's first day back to school - going into Grade 2 this fall.. Rylie is 4 years old and will be kindergarten next year..

This just about says it all... "Life is Good"

Monday, September 15, 2014

Home again!

Well, I set out from Yellowknife on Thursday morning and around 2200 miles later, arrived back into Duluth last nite around 8PM... a rather uneventful drive since I have seen this scenery several times recently - as in the past couple of years.  I may have to find a new route if I drive this stretch again - perhaps via Texas or sumpin like that.

I'm attaching a few fotos of the return trip.. always some interesting shots to take along the way.

H'mmm... wonder if I'll actually see some wild buffalo along the way!

There will be signs of the summer of '14 fires for years to come. But in some places it was really starting to "green" up already.

Oh yeah!  Probably passed a hundred or more munching on the grass and totally oblivious to the vehicles passing by.

A bit of snow just north of Edmonton AB.

It always fascinates me driving Hwy #2 through Montana.  Not a very ritzy route.  You would think that some of the towns would clean up vacant buildings that reflect the stark image they portray. The photo above was a burned out motel unit.  Motel still open in a couple of raggedy buildings behind this one.

And the highway seems to just go on forever!

Although some of the towns are in a very peaceful and lovely setting.

Well, I may be going back north for an ass fault (for you Jewels) production in Whitehorse YT around the end of the month.  Think I'll fly this time!

Life is Good!