Saturday, May 17, 2014

Just some stuff...

The last (I hope) little snow squalls slid in off the lake the other day.... no accumulation but one of the nicer rainbows I've seen for some time..

I think this was Ma Nature's last feeble attempt to create some winter havoc.  The weekend has been wonderful and is supposed to gradually get warmer over the next week.  Nice enough today to dig up the back garden, stop by a few green houses, and then out to Scott's cabin for a wonderful prime rib courtesy a le chef Robert.

So Jewels got to relax in the sun and work on a knitting project.. Scott had his hands full entertaining Mom and Dad so he had to find a place to set the popcorn bowl.. and a nice shot of the blue of the lake and the ... is that green??

We had a nice day.. just relaxing and enjoying the sun..

Life is Good!

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