Saturday, June 21, 2014

Grandma's Marathon - Duluth MN

A cool and foggy day in Duluth.. (Is there any other kind?).. but I suppose it was a good day for the race.  The runners certainly didn't look like they were over heated anyways..

I got downtown early, found a nice spot and took a bunch of pics.....  a little ad-libbing about my thoughts for taking the pics shown...

First couple of photos were from the half-marathon and shows that competitors come in all shapes and sizes...

Some of them even have time to surf the net.. or whatever it is that they do with those damn phones...

The two pics above were some of the wheelchair competitors.. a note to any photographers out there... Pay attention or the leading wchr racer will blow by so fast that you won't even get a photo..

 On a cold race day take a precaution to - either wear gloves to keep your hands warm - or wear a comfy bra so your nipples don't rub off!

Always check your camera's batteries before going out to take some photos.. the pic above was the last before my camera died... the green spot in the middle is the leader and eventual winner of the race - Dominic Ondoro from Kenya... he was galloping!

The pic above shows that if an amateur takes enough photos, some of them will turn out pretty good.

Some people would rather go sailing on a foggy race day in Duluth.

The leading lady.. not sure of her name or if she was the eventual winner as she was being fairly closelypursued.

It was fun.. my first marathon from close up ... one day I may get a better camera and get serious about my photography...

but in spite of the elements, the dead batteries, the cold... Life is Good!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Home again...

Just got back to Duluth yesterday... it was a long long drive home - I must be getting older - but it was interesting in that I took a new route back.  After crossing the border near Osoyoos BC, I followed highway #2 through Montana and N Dakota and took a few photos of the great scenery along the way.

The two photos above were taken from a viewpoint off the highway - high up above Osoyoos. I thought that this view was one of the prettiest, most scenic city views that I have encountered over the years.. better than Peace River AB if you can imagine!

The rivers seemed to be flowing full in most areas... probably a good thing for the dry west.  A good trip and great to be home.

I had been working on a stained glass piece for Jill and wasn't able to get it done before I left which is too bad.. When I got home yesterday, I had a half hour to get out to Superior to attend my class and got the Inukshuk done.. now I just have to get it out to my girl...

Life is Good!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

At the beach in Kai Bay..

Shaya and I were sent out to Kai Bay today to find some small driftwood pieces for a project Jill is working on.. it was a beautiful day and the company was great...

Life is Good...

Travelling west...

Haven't been too active on this blog lately.. Have had a very nice and positive trip west with a visit with Jesse and Nikki in Edmonton, a week in Vancouver playing golf and doing some job planning with Chris and Jan, and finally the past few days in Courtenay with my grandkids.. love'em!!

I've noticed on one of the rivers along highway 11, about 50 miles west of International Falls that every spring there are hundreds of pelicans feeding off the rushing waters of the river.. It was a clear day when I went by and it was great to see all the birds feeding in the river.. Can't think of the name of the "crik" but it will  come..

Our week in Vancouver was at a couple of great hotels.. the Coast on Denman was overlooking the ocean.. great place, great location, great views...

We spent a day at Granville Island.. some pics there and enroute.. it was a sunny warm day and the first time for me to visit Granville Island.

And, you never know who you will bump into in a touristy area like this.. I don't know his name, but his face rings a bell...

Life is Good....