Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Quick trip from Duluth to Winnipeg

I had some doctor's appointments in Winnipeg last week so I enjoyed a quick drive up to sunny Manitoba. It's a wonderful time of year... the fall colors are probably near their peak which made it difficult to concentrate on the driving at times...

Here's a small sampling of the scenery as I drove up to International Falls and then through N Ontario - Kenora on the way to Winnipeg..

It's the most wonderful time of the year!  Life is Good.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

been hiking

We've been trying to get out for a nice little hike every day for the past while... the colors are just starting to burst out and .. well. it's just very nice...

The other day we hiked up to peace ridge... a nice hike into a ridge that overlooks the city.. the day was clear and warm and the city looked simply mahvellous that day..

T'was a delightful little stroll...  Life is Good.

Monday, September 22, 2014

My girls are growing up...

Shaya's first day back to school - going into Grade 2 this fall.. Rylie is 4 years old and will be kindergarten next year..

This just about says it all... "Life is Good"

Monday, September 15, 2014

Home again!

Well, I set out from Yellowknife on Thursday morning and around 2200 miles later, arrived back into Duluth last nite around 8PM... a rather uneventful drive since I have seen this scenery several times recently - as in the past couple of years.  I may have to find a new route if I drive this stretch again - perhaps via Texas or sumpin like that.

I'm attaching a few fotos of the return trip.. always some interesting shots to take along the way.

H'mmm... wonder if I'll actually see some wild buffalo along the way!

There will be signs of the summer of '14 fires for years to come. But in some places it was really starting to "green" up already.

Oh yeah!  Probably passed a hundred or more munching on the grass and totally oblivious to the vehicles passing by.

A bit of snow just north of Edmonton AB.

It always fascinates me driving Hwy #2 through Montana.  Not a very ritzy route.  You would think that some of the towns would clean up vacant buildings that reflect the stark image they portray. The photo above was a burned out motel unit.  Motel still open in a couple of raggedy buildings behind this one.

And the highway seems to just go on forever!

Although some of the towns are in a very peaceful and lovely setting.

Well, I may be going back north for an ass fault (for you Jewels) production in Whitehorse YT around the end of the month.  Think I'll fly this time!

Life is Good!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Golfing in Yellowknife...

We went out for what is probably the final round of golf we will play here in YK the other day. The days are getting cooooooler - frost on the pumpkins this morning.  I got my pal, Al, to take a few pics of the golf star in action. 

This is the tee box on the first hole on the YK golf course.  Par 4 - 387 yards.. no roll as the ball lands in the sand and just plops into place, waiting for the next shot.  Fairway is behind me on this pic.

This pic gives you an idea of what the approach is like onto the artificial greens.  Most of the greens have been upgraded from just an patch of artificial turf with the addition of landscaping around the hole to include rocks, real grass, and even the odd "sand" trap.  I believe I sank this one for a birdie.

This pic was taken from a spot between the tee box on the second hole and the fairway which, again is behind me. I'm holding up a mat which is used on the fairways to shoot off of.

I shot a 93 on this day.. weather was good.. nice to golf with my friend Al who was a constant companion on the course over the years I lived here..

Fun fun fun.. Life is good!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Wandering around Yellowknife...

Been doing a bit of hiking around the city and visited the Prince of Wales Museum the other day. An interesting exhibit on artwork where images were a fabric on a fabric.  Made for some interesting 3D-ish pics.. The by-line is "Alison McCreesh's latest collections of fibre-based works explore how modernity and tradition collide and coexhist North of 60"

Not sure what that means but I liked her work....

This morning I climbed up to the bush pilot's monument which overlooks the city and the lake.  Was a beautiful calm morning so I took a few pics of the houseboats on Back Bay, the City skyline..

My meandering finished up with a drive down Yellowknife's most famous roadway "Ragged Ass Road".  The city has had problems in the past with people stealing the roadsign so they have had a bunch done up and sell them to anyone who is interested...

Important meeting this afternoon... miss my girl(s)..

Life is Good.....