Saturday, September 6, 2014

Golfing in Yellowknife...

We went out for what is probably the final round of golf we will play here in YK the other day. The days are getting cooooooler - frost on the pumpkins this morning.  I got my pal, Al, to take a few pics of the golf star in action. 

This is the tee box on the first hole on the YK golf course.  Par 4 - 387 yards.. no roll as the ball lands in the sand and just plops into place, waiting for the next shot.  Fairway is behind me on this pic.

This pic gives you an idea of what the approach is like onto the artificial greens.  Most of the greens have been upgraded from just an patch of artificial turf with the addition of landscaping around the hole to include rocks, real grass, and even the odd "sand" trap.  I believe I sank this one for a birdie.

This pic was taken from a spot between the tee box on the second hole and the fairway which, again is behind me. I'm holding up a mat which is used on the fairways to shoot off of.

I shot a 93 on this day.. weather was good.. nice to golf with my friend Al who was a constant companion on the course over the years I lived here..

Fun fun fun.. Life is good!

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