Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Learning this blog stuff all over again

So I got the word that it might be nice of me if I were to start posting some pics and info on my latest journey.  I'm up in Yellowknife and will probably be here until the end of August.

Our business has kept us busy for the past few weeks and this week is an important one as there are meetings going on with the federal government as well as local diamond mines and military personnel regarding the possibility of paving some remote runways in the North.  It also looks like there will be a trip soon over to Whitehorse to build a new batch of EZ Street for them so life is good on that front.

It's been raining all day today which is good as the forest fires have been scorching the area south of here affecting highway traffic, communications, and life in general.  Lots of smoke in the air... just not all that nice.

I'm going to post a few pics later... in the next few daze... as soon as I figure out where my iPhoto application went.. Chris upgraded my computer and it's like learning all over again..

To my friends that take a bit of time to check up on me now and then.. I'm well.. busy .. and happy... well, as happy as I can be without my hunny at my side  :)

I'll try get more active on my posts..

Life is Good!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Yesterday was quite busy....

I started out my day with a sky train ride over to the Science World stop - I had gone there the day before and toured the Science World pavilion.  It was kind of disappointing... the highlight was an Imax presentation about the Lemmings of Madagascar which was fun.  Other than that, a lot of displays for younger kids to learn a bit about the wheres and whys of what's happening in the world around them.. After leaving Science world, I decided to stroll down Main street which becomes the entry to China Town.

It had been an interesting walk so I decided to load up my camera yesterday and re-trace my walk from the day before.  It's an interesting area and the outskirts of China town happens to be the area of the city that is where the homeless, the wayward, the druggies etc hang out.  I took pics in China town but thought better of it in the other areas.. some of the people just didn't look like they would appreciate having their photos taken.

My path found it's way back into the central area of Vancouver near the Vancouver Art Gallery.  I had planned to wander thru the gallery and once again, I was a bit disappointed with the product.  Talking with Julie about it later, we decided that we have been spoiled by visiting the Art Galleries in Chicago and the wonderful one in Minneapolis.  Oh well - I knew there was a Chapters just around the corner.

After a half hour in Chapters and I actually didn't buy anyghing, I jumped onto the sky train and headed back to New Westminster.  It was getting late in the afternoon and I had been thinking about trying to find a venue to watch the Pacquiao vs Mayweather boxing match..  I managed to squeeze a seat into the crowd at the Paddlewheel bar and got to see the fight for the price of a couple of beers.

I was cheering for Manny but unfortunately, Floyd proved to be the better fighter on this night. It's hard to feel sorry for Manny though as he earned in the neighborhood of $120 Million for coming in second....

A busy day... diverse... fun..

Life is Good....

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Day trip into the City...

Took a day trip into Vancouver today.  The skytrain  is a great rail system and it takes about 20 minutes for me to travel from the local station into Vancouver downtown. 

The focus of today's trip was the aquarium in Stanley Park.  It was a good day and saw lots of mammals and fishies from all over the world.

The "donald" is building a new hotel in Vancouver... not sure how  many stories for the latest Trump Tower but it's a biggie!

The home of the local rowing club on the edge of the park.  A lovely spot.

The sea lions were not very happy with each other and made a lot of god-awful noises at each other to explain their feelings.

There were a lot of great animals, fish, reptiles at the aquarium.  It's a great place to spend the day. I actually took a lot of fotos but my camera setting was off kilter... soooo, you'll have to take my word for it that it's a great spot to visit...

Life is Good.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Knee is feeling better - Mr Kane no-showed our rematch race!

Since my old buddy with the cane didn't show for the final in our April madness race, I decided to take the skytrain into Vancouver today.  It stops it's final stop at Waterfront Station - AKA Canada Place and the Pan Pacific Hotel so after a brief visit to a Franchise show at the convention centre and a $35 breakfast, I followed the promenade down to Stanley Park.

There's probably $65 gadzillion worth of boats parked along this stretch of waterfront... something I don't think I'd get into even if I had the cash.. but they do make purdy pictures.

Into Stanley Park (Jewels would have loved this walk) and around lost lagoon.. a nice nature hike in the middle of the city - saw turtles sunning themselves on the rocks.. ducks playing hide and seek and lotsa swans and geese nesting in the area.. then along the sea wall back into the hubbub of the big city....

Finished the day with lunch at a great Vietnamese restaurant.. and just got back to scratch my cat's ears. 

Life is Good....  go JETs gooooo.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Knee hurts....

I followed up my hike from yesterday with an extra long walk today.  Probably about 10K and most of that on assfault and cement sidewalks...  by the time I was getting back to my homestead, walking - limping along the promenade, I heard a thumping noise behind me....

OK.. so what!  No one told me I would be in a race of any kind and.. did I mention my knee hurt like hell.  Stopped in to Shoppers Drug Mart and picked up some glucosamine  and I'll be ready to take on that old bugger if he dares to show up for a race tomorrow... or the next day.  I need to heal.

Life is Good.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Sunny New Westminster

After a couple of days of overcast and rain, the sun came out today and I decided to take my camera and stroll down the waterfront walkway.  It's still early in the season here but that certainly doesn't mean that the colors won't be out.  It was a beautiful walk - about a mile in all.

Now I just have to find a nice grassy area to do something "hikie" on.. like a golf course.  I'm sure there may be one or two in this area.

Life is Good.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Moving on....

I spent a week in Comox with my girls...  I'm so ashamed but I really didn't get any pics to post from my visit other than one Jill took with her phone early one morning.. 

The week went by quickly though - I had a lovely time with Shaya and Rylie with several trips to Serious Coffee in the mornings to get us going (Rylie actually doesn't need any help there!).  As previously, with too much time on my hands, I visited the local Nissan dealership and ended up trading my pick-up on a VW Jetta TDI so I'm into a new set of wheels now.

So, now I'm on the mainland again in beautiful New Westminster BC which is a suburb of Vancouver. I'm house sitting for a lovely young couple who are off to Columbia for 4 weeks.  I'm looking after their condo, watering a few plants, and baby sitting their cat Tipper.  The condo is on the 14th floor of their building and has a great view of downtown and the Fraser River.

I took a few pics this morning of the view from the condo - it was a bit overcast and rainy but still is such a pretty view.

Life is good.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Morning Wood...

Redwood that is... My decision this morning was to head inland.. I just don't think I can handle another 2 states following the coast... It's so beautiful but the driving is so demanding and I'm getting very tired...

So this morning brought me lots of hairpin turns.. again.. but driving through a redwood forest.. some very HUGE trees...

Life is Good...

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The pics say it all for today....

So, here they are......

Poor man's Pebble Beach - or is it Bebble Peach?

Life is Good.....