Monday, October 24, 2016

Ely's Peak... our hike for today.

A glorious sunny day in Duluth... where to go today?  We had been talking about heading out to Ely's Peak.. a bit of a challenging climb for a couple of seniors... one who could be classified as severely afraid of heights... but.. we don't let a little thing like that scare us off now do we??

It really doesn't look that high up from a distance... more like a big old rock in the middle of nowhere but there were a few semi nasty climbs that gave us a good workout.

Jewels in a cave that we found along the way.  Cute ain't she!

This pic was taken from the cave (inside out) and it turned out to be a funky nice photo.

A few photos of the fat old man that envelopes my soul and my innards... he should go on a serious diet.

Actually... he is on a diet and is doing well thank you.... and of course.. Life is Good.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Fall is here. Not many more rounds of golf to be played before the snow flies.

It was a lovely day at the Quarry golf course in Bibwabik up north of Duluth.  Golfed with Julies' bros... Scott and Tom.  It 's a tough course but I got 2 pars and a birdie.

And I only lost $10. That's USD converted to CAD about 15 bucks.  Life is Good.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

OK.. trying once more to get busy with this blog.. for Jewels

My last post was July 1, Canada Day.  It's October 16 today so I guess it's time to try get this thing updated.

We'll start with a few photos from our hike today up on Peace Ridge.  The fall colours in that area were spectacular.  It probably would have been more colourful but we lost the sun just as we started out.  In spite of that it was a grand old stroll.

Life is Good.