Monday, October 24, 2016

Ely's Peak... our hike for today.

A glorious sunny day in Duluth... where to go today?  We had been talking about heading out to Ely's Peak.. a bit of a challenging climb for a couple of seniors... one who could be classified as severely afraid of heights... but.. we don't let a little thing like that scare us off now do we??

It really doesn't look that high up from a distance... more like a big old rock in the middle of nowhere but there were a few semi nasty climbs that gave us a good workout.

Jewels in a cave that we found along the way.  Cute ain't she!

This pic was taken from the cave (inside out) and it turned out to be a funky nice photo.

A few photos of the fat old man that envelopes my soul and my innards... he should go on a serious diet.

Actually... he is on a diet and is doing well thank you.... and of course.. Life is Good.

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