Sunday, February 26, 2017

A bit of excitement out off my front deck...

Well, it's not often that one of the largest Super Carriers cruise by your front yard.  Julie and I were playing our nightly card game when all of a sudden she started to squeal...

Well.. of course I thought she had drawn a deuce but nooooooo....

She noticed a little boat going by the front of our house....

A bit larger than the ferry boats that cruise by every hour or so ... the USS Nimitz dwarfed the ferries in size and was a bit breath taking to watch it go by... The Nimitz is the navy's largest aircraft carrier and is one  of the largest warships in the world.  It is also the oldest US aircraft carrier still in service.

Apparently the naval base here is the third largest in the US so it's probably a common sight.

No sign of "the donald" on board....

Life is Good...

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