Friday, February 19, 2010

Exercise, Eating Right - and Drinking Lite Beer d'accord

Well, almost two months since the new year and although it wasn't really any kind of a "resolution", I was determined to try drop some pounds. Julie and I joined the local fitness centre and although it is difficult for her to go on a regular basis what with working full time, I have had no excuse other than position number two in the attached caricatures, lying on the couch and enjoying a few beers.

OK, I still enjoy the odd beer - especially the abundance of micro brewery brands available at the vendors down here - but I have been exercising - allllmost daily - and have dropped 10 pounds since early January. I must admit that I am feeling better and I think the exercise along with eating more healthy foods has helped me with my ongoing pains and rituals resulting from my surgery last year.

Anyways, my goal is to drop 20 pounds by my 61st birthday and should be a snap if I can keep with the program. Then I'll be ready to put it all back on when we take our Alaskan cruise the end of July.

Oh well, Life is Good, n'est ce pas?

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