Tuesday, June 26, 2012

On holidays out EAST!

The past couple of days we've been driving... long hard days on the road and tonite we're in a lovely  spot, Quebec City.

Took a few pics along the way ... a few on the south shore of Lake Superior.  It's quite different than the Duluth side with sandy beaches and looks a bit more like a regular lake and not the damn Ocean.

Today after two days of the Canadian Shield with rocks and pine, we entered farming country and it was a nice change.  We drove thru several smaller towns and although they looked like they were on the "poor side",  everything was always very neat and well tended to.  The farm houses and barns were colorful, painted in neat colors, and surrounded with colorful gardens.

We drove thru Ottawa and although we didn't stop we got a great view of the parliament buildings and included a photo of Canada's capital buildings.

It pissed rain all afternoon and evening.  We have only one day planned in Quebec City and are hoping for a nice day tomorrow to take in the sights of this charming city.

Life is GOOD....

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