Sunday, March 3, 2013

Home Sitting at Jordan River.

Well, we arrived at Jordan River the other day.  We spent a couple of days visiting the owners, Vicktor and Ildiko and getting to know their pets and what chores we need to do on a daily basis.  We will be here a couple of weeks looking after their home while they enjoy the warmth and charm of a Costa Rican holiday.

Our daily ritual is feeding cats and dog twice daily, chickens, ducks, and rabbits get fed a whole bunch in the morning and then in the evening they get locked down for the night.  There has been some "outsider" action around the hen house and this morning one of Vicktor's traps yielded a big fat rat that was trying to make the koop its home.  We had a sad day yesterday when we found that a mink or similar got into the pheasant's coop and killed all four of those lovely birds.

Yesterday we drove the holidayers off to the airport and are now alone (just the two of us) for two weeks.  Not sure if either Shaya or I will be able to put up with each other for that long but will be fun trying.  As long as I cook her bacon and fresh eggs for breakie every day and go swimming in the indoor pool often, I think things will go smoothly.

This afternoon we take the dog for a long walk and then Shaya and I are going down to the surfing beach to check out the area.

Life is Good.

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