Sunday, February 16, 2014

Travelling back to Yellowknife.

Well, I'm back up in Yellowknife for a brief visit.. drove to Edmonton via Winnipeg and then flew up to YK on thursday.  It's been a very nice trip so far.  I spent a few days in Winnipeg visiting my seester and Russel - and got together with some of my dear wonderful old friends.. Bud and Dorth.. and Linda and her daughter Andrea.  We went out for brunch one morning and it was just so good to see old friends and "shoot the shit" so to speak..

It's been very cold up here in Yellowknife but today was beautiful and clear so I thought I'd go for a drive and take a few pics.  It is a bit of a home coming for me as I spent 25 years in this city and got to know a lot of people here.  Chris made the comment today that I've been gone for 5 years and still know many more people than he does.  I did see a lot of old friends at the Black Night Pub as well as the Co-op when we went shopping today.

The Noodle House was Julie's first experience with traditional - and I must say Very Good - Vietnamese cooking... We enjoyed many meals here.

Photos above are down town YK and  the other one is the Bowling Green building where we had a lovely apartment.

Photos above are taken on the Dettah ice road... also a few of the house boats in the bay.

Can't visit the north without encountering the odd raven... One of our favorite birds.

And above is the Black Knight Bar which was half a block from our apartment and very .... uhhhh .. handy..

Nice to be back here.. time is zooming by..

Life is Good.

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