Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter....

Well.. with much anticipation I dragged myself out of bed this morning..  casually peaking into every corner.. under tables and chairs... windowsills...  Nothing!  Sadly, I assume I need to work on my manners... my disposition... my generosity... my kindness and perhaps the EB will visit next year?? Being shut out on Easter treats is not a good way to start Easter morning...


My Jewels made me feel sooooo much better because she whipped up the beast breakie that I have had for a long long time...

Secret recipe clean pancakes with a raspberry sauce to die for.. home smoked back (Canadian) bacon imported from Cross Lake MN (thanks Bob)... and mimosa's made from a great champagne and pomegranate juice which was wonderful...  And to top it off.. she let me win a quick game of Crazy Eights after we cleared the table....

And it was a clean meal which is a bonus...

ahhhh.. Life is Good!

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