Thursday, August 21, 2014

Idle traveller...

I headed out of Edmonton yesterday and was looking forward to a trip I have made often, but not recently.   My goal was to get to High Level AB on day one and up to Yellowknife on day two.. and it worked out just fine and dandy... the high light of day one was encountering a female moose and her two calfs just out of Peace River.. the photo is not the actual animals I encoutered.. but the same size and shape.. just wasn't able to get into my brief case on time to get a Jim-photo.. 

The day included some great autumn  - yes autumn - colors of ripe grain fields .. fields that include the real $$$$ maker for the farmers in N Alberta which is the oil business...

Great new sign at border of entry of NWT..

I always like to stop at Alexandra Falls and they get prettier every time... a great entry to the NWT.

The new bridge over the Mackenzie River... original estimated cost was around $50 million..  of course when one says a total cost in the $ millions of dollars is "around" a certain figure.. the final is usually a bit more.. in this case final cost around $200 million.

My American friends probably think they had the first Target Stores in operation.. no so mes amis!

Some of the recent fires were still smoldering ... lots of downed trees but you don't see even a portion of the magnitude of the actual damage....

Oh well... lot's of Buffalo along the highway.. good to see they escaped the flames..

Got into YK tonite.. always enjoy coming back here.. Life is Good...

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