Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Wandering around Yellowknife...

Been doing a bit of hiking around the city and visited the Prince of Wales Museum the other day. An interesting exhibit on artwork where images were a fabric on a fabric.  Made for some interesting 3D-ish pics.. The by-line is "Alison McCreesh's latest collections of fibre-based works explore how modernity and tradition collide and coexhist North of 60"

Not sure what that means but I liked her work....

This morning I climbed up to the bush pilot's monument which overlooks the city and the lake.  Was a beautiful calm morning so I took a few pics of the houseboats on Back Bay, the City skyline..

My meandering finished up with a drive down Yellowknife's most famous roadway "Ragged Ass Road".  The city has had problems in the past with people stealing the roadsign so they have had a bunch done up and sell them to anyone who is interested...

Important meeting this afternoon... miss my girl(s)..

Life is Good.....

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