Sunday, April 2, 2017

Beautiful day to hike the Oyster River Park.

Some kind of glow in the sky today... makes the outside weather have some kind of foreign warm feel to it..  Thought I'd take advantage of it and go for a Sunday stroll.

It was beautiful... watched some fishermen practising their fly fishing technique.  It's Cutthroat Trout season.. they are a sea going Trout and supposed to be a fine eating fishie..

This bridge is a single traffic bridge right outside the local pub.. not sure if it's single traffic as a sobriety test or just cause....

This is my local pub.. about a km from where I'm staying..It's kind of an old timer.. like a lot of the clientele ...  still has signs for Gents and Ladies entrance..  I can get into either one now that I have the password and I'm a regular.

Life is Good...

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