Sunday, August 9, 2009

Thoughts at this stage.

Well, for someone that is totally computer illiterate, this is coming along fairly well. Chris would be so proud of me actually moving a YouTube music file onto these pages - actually he would probably shit his pants he'd be so surprised!

Anyways, at this stage there has been a lot of stuff posted about my past and that doesn't co-incide with the theme of "Life after Sixty"... but... I had to get here somehow and my posts to date along with the next few are going to relate more to how I got here. It will probably be boring but I keep thinking that in addition to my kids and friends having a bit more insight as to who this Dad/Jim Eirikson guy is and why he acts so strange at times... this is for me to open up a bit and for my grand kids so they will know more about grandpa one day. I can't imagine that the internet will be around when Shaya is grown up.. well, not in the form it is in right now but I would think that history will always be accessible on this medium.

I'm actually enjoying this so far and I think it is good for me to reflect and jot down thoughts and memories. I hope that it is something that I can continue to work at and that it remains interesting and fun.

OK..that's all I got for now. Let's get on with it.

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