Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A Duluth weekend - and a visit to Gooseberry Falls

We drove up to Duluth last weekend. Julie needed a haircut (long story) and a visit with local family - Scott and Kim. We also were lucky to connect with Mary and went to see a movie - Crazy Heart - with her. Not a good choice and not nearly as good as we has thought it would be.

We also had a lovely day trip out to Gooseberry Falls which is up the north shore of Superior. This is Julie's favorite spot in the whole world and always a fun place to visit. It was interesting visit as we got to see a group of climbers practicing their ice climbing techniques shinnying up the frozen falls.

Duluth is one of my favorite spots to visit as well. So many nice views of the Lake and always a freighter or two moving under the lift bridge. Always a fun time when we visit this lovely place - and you should see the potholes here as well!

Life is Good!

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