Tuesday, February 2, 2010

So soothing to sit back and watch the birds feeding

I've been driving Julie a bit crazier (if that's possible)... with my ongoing battle with the local squirrel population. Set up a couple of feeders but I wasn't able to situate them well enough to keep them from stealing the bird's feed. I finally have set up 5 feeders in such a pattern that those damn tree rats can't get at the one containing the sunflower seeds. SQUIRRELS ZERO - JIM ONE... I WIN, I WIN.

I do find it very soothing and good for the heart to sit back and watch the variety of birds feeding outside our window. The Pileated woodpecker is obviously not one of my photos but I was so lucky to briefly spot one as it landed on the big tree outside our window. A huge woodpecker and so distinctive with its red crown and black body.

It just makes me feel at peace with myself and the world to see our little visitors drop by for a quick bite several times a day. Life is Good, isn't it?

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