Sunday, June 20, 2010


Another month has almost passed and no updates. So, when in doubt, find cute photos of my grand daughter and upload them.. We can never EVER get tired of pics of Shaya. Jill has been using her as a model for her photo shoots for her classes and it looks like we have a budding super model in the family.

Jill and Jesse are both almost finished their terms and the classes that they are taking. Jills photography class can't finish too soon as her new baby girl will be born very soon. Jesse is finished in mid July and I talked with him tonight and he just wants to get a job of any kind for now.. hopefully in the construction field where he can make a few bucks .. he is tired of being a broke student but has done very well with his course.

I hope to add more news soon. I'm off to Yellowknife on the 24th to attend a friend (Surly Bob's) wedding. I'm back to Winnipeg on the 29th and then down to Minnesota to help Julie with her new move. She has applied for, and been accepted for a new position in Duluth and I'm sooooooo happy for her. Home at last. Life is Goooood!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Memorial Day in Minnesota

Monday was the Memorial Day long weekend day. Memorial Day is a day set aside to commemorate those who served in the military and gave their lives serving the country. As with most US Holidays, this is a big event with lots of flags and parades etc. It also serves as the official kick off for summer with people getting out and doing all sorts of things preparing for the summer days ahead. Lots of prep work for camping and cottaging, lawn and garden work and if lucky like we were, just finding a way to soak up the sun.

Julie and I went out to the Zumbrota golf course and played nine holes in the heat. We decided to walk the course and .. note to selves.. make sure you carry water on the next outing as not all courses offer a beverage cart service; even on the extra hot days.

I took some photos of the flag ceremony setup at the Zumbrota Park and then a few pics of ... uhhhh.... what not to do on the golf course. Actually, my little princess did very well considering that she had not been out much over the past summer and I must say, her form was quite good - especially the photo of her teeing up the ball...

Life is Good!

A couple of fun days in Minnesota.

I drove down to Minnesota on Friday and Julie and I had a very nice weekend. As usual, it involved quite a bit of "DRIVING" but of course, I am used to that so it was fun. On Saturday, we took a drive into Wisconsin for a scenic trip around Lake Pepin. I posted some photos of this area last winter when we did a similar drive and some of the pics of the overlook at Alma are reproductions of the same photos last winter. You can tell the winter photos cause they have snow in'em!!

One photo, the first one was of a deck on an old building that just killed me. I guess I thought it was funny cause even a non builder as I am recognized this as something that looked so very scary dangerous.

I also included a couple of photos I took at Como Park in Minneapolis on Sunday. Julie and I drove down to the cities to spend a day with Cam, Cassie, and Finley. We had a nice day at the park and zoo and the met Cassie at IKEA for a bit of shopping and then a nice dinner at the Olive Garden.

All in all, a couple of quiet nice days.. Live is Good!