Saturday, March 19, 2011

on the road again

Well, it's time to get back to work and create a little income.. that's the opposite of outgo... if you know what I mean.

Anyways, I had an opportunity to do some work in Alberta - a trip up to Ft McMurray to demo some lights, followed by making a bigold pile of asphalt in Edmonton this weekend - and back to Ft Mac for a tradeshow next week. All in all, nothing to exciting but it's nice to be out of the outgo category for a bit.

I have to say that the drive up to Ft McMurry is ... well... scary to say the least.. dodging potholes on the highway is kind of nice.. simply cause I like potholes... but it's mostly two lane highway with lots of curves and hills and TRAFFIC.. big big long cumbersome slow, huge, roadhogging trucks hauling loads that don't really look like anything .. except possibly the structural beams of a 3 story building... and even that wasn't bad.. till it got really foggy..

Anyways, I made it up and back and only have one more drive up and return to live through next week. Then, who knows.

but I enjoy it... love the drive and life is good.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Something different..

I was talking with my curling boys after Tuesday's game and they suggested that if I was looking for something to do Thursday, that I should take in the high school playoff game between Duluth East and Grand Rapids.

So, I picked up tickets yesterday and Jewels and I headed over to the arena for the big match. I have to say that I was not disappointed as the game was fantastic and the atmosphere was just a lot of fun with over 5000 people in the stands. After leading the game 1-0 most of the way, Grand Rapids finally got worn down by the bigger Duluth team who scored to tie the game with about 2 minutes left and then won 2-1 with a quick goal in OT.

All in all a fun evening, cheap entertainment and of course, Life is Good!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

More "oddballs" in the news...

Well, after Mick and Justin, today's Minneapolis Star Trib posted a wedding announcement of what has been one of the most ... what would be the word... "entertaining" ... couples in the state of late. My Minnesota friends will appreciate my homage to this pair.. who really do deserve each other. Denny Hecker and Christi Rowan have been dodging their jail sentences for about 6 months now and they are one of the first couples.. on record, to have gotten married by phone!

I think if Denny lives that long, he will be out in about 12 years. Christi gets out in 4. Imagine what a handsome couple they will be by then!

Live is good.. congratulations kids - you deserve each other.