Saturday, August 20, 2011

On a sad note....

August 9th brought some sad news as my Mom passed away. She was 90 years old and had lived a great life. I think I can speak for my whole family when I say that we were not surprised by the news of her passing. We all had noticed that Mom seemed to be getting tired and she was ready to send her spirit off to it's next journey. She didn't suffer from any lingering illness and that is a blessing.

We held her funeral service at the Lutheran Church in Lundar and interment at the Otto Church Cemetery where she now rests in the same plot with the love of her life, my Dad. I was honored to be asked by my siblings to present an eulogy on behalf of the family and although it was a bit stressful, I think it went well.

It was nice to see famiiy that I had not seen for some time. It's too bad that the easiest way to visit relatives seems to be at funerals these days... a sign that we are all getting older I guess.

I have included Mom's obituary in this post. I want to thank my friends who have contacted me or sent cards. Your thoughts and well wishes were comforting and much appreciated...

Life is Good....


Peacefully, at her home in Lundar, MB, Gudny Margrjet Eiriksson passed away on Tuesday, August 9, 2011. She joins her loving husband of 51 years, Geiri Ragnar Eiriksson. Gudny is survived by her children and their families, Dennis (Rolanda), Jim (Julie), Dorothy Schlamp (Russell), Graham (Leah), Denisa (Andrew), Alana-Dawn, Laura (Michael), Cheryl (Lamont), Lynda (Scott), Jill (Wayne), Jesse (Nikki); nine great-grandchildren; her sister and close friend Lara Arnason and many nieces and nephews. She is predeceased by her husband Geiri; brothers, Bjorn, Eric, Magnus, Valdi; sister Sigrun Cruise; daughter-in-law Brenda Eirikson and granddaughter Ingrid Eirikson.

Gudny was born in the Mary Hill District on December 16, 1920. She and Geiri had a wonderful, loving relationship working side by side on their farm, The Maplewood Fur Farm, where they raised their three children. As well as working on the farm, she was a devoted homemaker. Gudny and Geiri created a loving and warm home where family and friends were always welcome to visit over coffee, treats and cards. She thoroughly enjoyed the visits to the farm from her family. Her favourite pastimes included: gardening, her flowers, knitting, sewing, baking, crafts and playing cards. Through the internet, the computer kept her connected with family and friends around the world, as well, she spent many hours with her favourite computer games.

The family would like to say a special thank you to Laurie Arnason for all her assistance in helping Mom. Gudny will be lovingly remembered and greatly missed by friends and family. A memorial service will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 16, 2011 at the Lundar Lutheran Church with Pastor Terry Throndson officiating.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Hiking Hartley.. or.. "I see the Moon" - (PG13)

Today we hiked a pretty trail at the Hartley Park which is within the city limits but since we were basically following a trail through the woods for most of the hike, it felt like we were out in the middle of nowhere.

There were a lot of nice climbs and fairly sharp downhill slopes and on one high ridge we found some great berry patches with saskatoon (called service berries here) as well as raspberries and chokecherries. A nice little feast.

On the way back in, Julie interrupted my empty thoughts with a howl... a bee bit her thru her hiking shorts as well as under garments and took a small chunk out of that lovely white alabaster posterior of hers. Oh well, one of us has to be the unstung hero of this story....

Life is Good..

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Yesterday's Hike...

Jewels and I have both been feeling a variety of pains in our bodies as they .. uhhh.. gain experience! We have jointly decided to try find ways to make the pain go away (sounds like a country western song ... ain't it...). Since we both enjoy walking and the types of pain associated with this exercise, we have been trying a variety of hikes in the area. To our complete joy, we are finding that the hurt is lessening, and the excitement of finding new spots to wander is doing wonders for our bodies as well as the old frame of mind.

Yesterday's hike was relatively flat and easy except it was about 90F so we went through a lot of water. We did about 5 miles on the Western Waterfront Trail which follows the St Louis River out of West Duluth, up to the local ski hills and then back along the Munger Bike Trail which is part of the North Shore Trail.

Feels great and of course, Life is Good.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Jill has been doing some more photos...

Jill often posts photos of my grandkids on her facebook and when she does, I pull them off her page and save them here.

These latest ones are Great.. well, at least this proud old grandpa thinks so anyways. I miss my girls but remember, ....

Life is Good aye???

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Hiking the Peace Ridge outside of Duluth...

The last few days have been really hard on my old knees.. Monday and tuesday I walked 18 holes each day on the Enger course. It's rolling and hilly and steep and after two days my knees felt like pain would be an ongoing reminder that I'm getting old.

Today, Jewels and I decided to hike the Peace Ridge which is just out on the west side of town. This hike gets rave reveiws from the author of the "Superior Hiking Trails" book that I got for xmas... and know what.. there's a good reason for that as it was one of the best trails we have been on to date. We followed a small creek for the first bit.. then into a forest where we met up with a young coyote pup... and then to a ridge that overlooked Duluth and Superior which was absolutely breathtaking....

I love hiking.. the freedom to just go wherever you want to.. like snow shoeing in the winter.. and of course, the pain...

Life is Good!