Monday, December 26, 2011

Boxing day..

Well we had a lovely Christmas.

There was some question as to whether or not Santa would find us up here in the mountains but we were so very lucky and everyone got spoiled.

It's boxing day today and I'm staying with the kiddos while Wayne is back to work and Jill and her sister Becca are out trying to find Boxing Day bargains.

Posting a few pics of the kids from the past few days. Jill and Shaya playing with Shaya's 3D Nintendo... uhhh well Jill seems to enjoy it. Rylie snacking by the tree and then enjoying the snow on the deck on Xmas Day.

Jill, Wayne, Shaya, and Becca went tubing on the ski hill in the afternoon and then we enjoyed a great turkey dinner Xmas nite.

It's a great spot out here. Wish Jewels were with us but it wasn't meant to be this time around.

Life is good. Merry Christmas to all.

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