Friday, December 9, 2011

Nice little story in the Free Press today....

SAY A LITTLE PRAYER... Last weekend a first-year student in residence at Canadian Mennonite University was admitted to hospital with an irregular heartbeat.

Then his heart stopped.

It took time but eventually he was revived, placed on a heart machine and then he underwent an emergency procedure. It's a surgery that, if it failed, meant a heart transplant was the only option. But what adds to the story of one student struggling for his life is what the other students and the university did. Sunday evening, they began gathering for prayer vigils at the residence hall.

Monday afternoon, the prayer vigil went campus-wide. And in the evening, they gathered again to pray for their fellow student.

At last report, the student came through the surgery successfully, is breathing on his own and his parents are with him.

Oh, there's one more thing.

Because of the prayer vigils, CMU, in the person of academic vice-president Earl Davey, extended the deadline for course papers by nearly two days. How many other Canadian universities would do that?

Pray tell.

Life is Good....

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