Saturday, November 3, 2012

It feels good... to feel good!

A few months ago ... after our holiday out east where we enjoyed the scenery along with the fantastic FOOD, Jewels and I talked about the state of our health. We were both stretching our non stretch clothes to the limit and in general, we were feeling kind of "blah" about ourselves. I specifically was having a lot of discomfort and issues with my body's reactions to food that I knew was bothersome to my system, and had been since my operation a couple of years past.

It was around that time that Julie stumbled onto "clean eating" which seems have become quite the buzz word when it comes to dietary planning.  It isn't exactly a diet which you undertake specifically to lose weight. It's an entire eating process that cuts out a lot of sugar, fats, carbs and processed foods and gets you eating more veggies, fruit, and generally wholesome foods.. You actually get to read the ingredients on food packaging to decide if the food meets the guidelines for your diet.  You just have to google clean eating to get the whole story.

Bottom line.. we have been eating clean for a few months now and in addition to feeling much better, much to our surprise the pounds are falling off.  The nice part is it isn't a diet where we have a weight goal but merely a method of eating great meals, enjoying our food like never before, and the bonus is we feel better and are losing weight.  Although it's not recommended, we can even have a drink or two with dinner and it doesn't seem to aversely affect the weight lost. This is important coz Jimmy likes his beer as we all know!

Mornings have become a fun time when the first thing we do is weigh-in and check our "morning pounds".  The weight fluctuates a bit but to date Jewels has dropped over 20 pounds and I hit the magic Two Zero this morning.

We don't feel deprived (OK - at times we do miss eating ice-cream) but the fact that this is a lifestyle makes us believe that we can continue with our eating plan and reap the healthful benefits along the way..

Stay tuned - Life is Good..

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